Ingredients: Sweet Fennel Seed (50%), Wild Bitter Fennel Seed (45%), Fennel Leaf (5%)
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: 100% Price Range: £2-3 Bags Per Box: 20Pukka Say: Good news for helping you blossom
Our Review: The packet smells incredible; it carries a powerful aniseed aroma that leads you to anticipate a mouth-watering flavour. A tea called 'Three Fennel' sounds like it might be overpowering, but it's not. The scent is refreshing and wakeful. The taste is gentle, with a nice mild after-taste in the throat. If you're not a huge fan of fennel, this might be for you. However, if you really like fennel, this tea doesn't have much oomph. It's not much stronger than cheaper brands such as Twinings. That said, fennel contains an ingredient called anethole that has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation. It's also good for protecting 'toxic chemical injuries'. We both tried this tea while recovering from root canal and mouth ulcers, and found the description on the box to be accurate: this tea is very 'soothing'! Fennel also aids digestion, which makes this a good post-meal drink.
Best time of year to drink this: Any time - especially if you're suffering from mouth injury.
Best time of day to drink this: Following any meals or heavy snacks.
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