Ingredients: Lemon Peels, Peppermint Leaves, Lemongrass, Melissa and Roasted Chicory, with Pineapple and Lemon Flavours
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: None Price Range: £10-11 (for the complete gift box)Bags Per Box: 96 sachets (12 flavours - cannot be purchased separately)
Review: This is, without exaggeration, possibly the worst tea we have ever tasted. EVER. The smell is like cheap bubblegum mixed with artificial pineapple. When you first taste it, you're sneakily tricked into thinking it's not so bad. DON'T BE FOOLED! The after-taste is strangely bitter, despite the sickly sweet overriding flavour. In Three Tulsi's eight-year-old son's words, it's 'sticky in the mouth after swallowing'. It's 'nice at first, but then it's just...weird'. We can't taste the mint. For that matter, we can't taste the melon, the chicory, the melissa, the lemongrass...we're not really sure what it is we're tasting. Whatever it is, it isn't good! Three Tulsi's husband tried it, too, and guessed the flavour might be pumpkin soup and orange - or, potentially, vegetable stock.
A few weeks later, Three Tulsi's son said over dinner, ‘Hey, Mummy, remember when Daddy said if you like soup, you’ll like this tea? Well, now that we’re eating soup, I wanted to say: I like soup. I didn’t like that tea.’
BUT the faces you pull while drinking it are priceless:

Best time of year to drink this: NEVER!!!!
Best time of day to drink this: NEVER!!!!
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