Ingredients: Elderberries, Rosehip, Strawberry Pieces, Blackberries, Raspberries, Hibiscus Petals, Flavour
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: 100% Price Range: £7.50 Cups Per Box: 40 (approx.)Review: This has the most unpleasant aroma we've ever smelled in our lives - truly. It's like berries and dirty feet. With a tea like that, you'd hope it at least tastes better - but it doesn't! It actually tastes like it smells. At first, you taste red berries. Then, there's a footy after-taste. We're convinced the 'flavour' at the end of the ingredients list must be feet - or human body odour. It's also so thick in the mouth, it feels like you're drinking blood. It's the single most disgusting thing we've ever drunk, without exaggeration. There is no adequate way to express how bad this tea really is. Just to test it, Three Tulsi had to hold her nose, but that didn't help; it's that overpowering.
We think it must be the elderberries that make this so sickening. After all, Monty Python's Holy Grail contains the insult, 'Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!' After drinking this tea, we understand just how insulting that is. We had to throw it out before finishing the cup, because it was stinking up the room and causing other people to complain. It is definitely not worth the price!
Best time of year to drink this: NEVER.
Best time of day to drink this: NEVER.
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