Review: This tea was absolutely invaluable during Three Tulsi's second pregnancy. For about seven months, it was literally the only thing she could drink that held severe acid reflux at bay and kept her from throwing up - highly recommended, if you're in a similar position! For that reason alone, we've marked this a must-have tea.
That said, it's not the most exciting drink - but it is nice. It smells of ginger nuts, and the flavour is a bit sweeter and milder than expected. It tastes like raw, fresh ginger, but it's nowhere near as sharp. There's not a lot of heat at first, but be careful: the heat builds over time at the back of the throat, and as the tea cools down, it becomes like a punch in the face.
It's highly soothing, both in taste and smell. It's a little like having a hot ginger beer - like it contains extra ingredients, but it doesn't; true to its name, it's just chopped-up pieces of dried ginger. Sure, you could make it yourself at home; but you (like Three Tulsi) might not have the time or energy. And it has to be noted that it's possibly the only 'just ginger' offering in the market. All the others Three Tulsi could find contained lemon (terrible if you have acid reflux!) or liquorice (which you can't have too much of, if you're pregnant, because it raises blood pressure and can lead to hypertension).
As ever with T2, remember that although it costs £7.50 a box, each box makes approximately 40 cups of tea; and as it's real chopped-up ginger pieces, Three Tulsi kept topping it up with new boiling water and managed to get three cups out of every one-teaspoon serving. She survived on this every day for, as we say, about seven months, and only had to buy three boxes - not a bad investment at all!
Best time of year to drink this: If you're pregnant, we recommend this pretty much every single day. For anyone else, it's definitely an autumn / winter drink.
Best time of day to drink this: Again, for pregnancy, you might be drinking this around the clock. Otherwise, it's particularly soothing in the evening, after dinner.
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