Review: First of all, this blend has such a misleading name. It makes you expect a tart fruity drink - but raspberry leaves don't taste anything like raspberries.
Just looking at this list of ingredients filled us with mild revulsion. As expected from a lemongrass blend, it smells artificial, like Lemsip - never appetising. And unfortunately, this is one that tastes just like it smells: unpleasantly medicinal and fake.
We can't really taste the other ingredients. There's a mild sharpness (if you can imagine such a thing) in the back of the throat, perhaps from the raspberry leaves; and the mint cools and opens up the mouth. That's about it. And it's strangely dehydrating. We can't imagine why anyone would drink this, unless they really liked lemongrass. But then, there are much cheaper options on the market.
Best time of year to drink this: Spring, perhaps - only because of all the flowers and fruits
Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon, possibly - but we can't think why you'd do that to yourself...unless you had a cold and wanted a substitute for Lemsip
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