Review: This might be the most subjective review we've ever written, because this isn't some blend T2 thought up; this is one natural leaf - and we hate it.
It smells smoky, like tobacco. The flavour is highly bitter and smoky, too. Neither of us has actually eaten tobacco, but this is what we imagine it tastes like - well, like tobacco and green tea, maybe.
And that flavour JUST. STAYS. IN. YOUR. MOUTH. FOR. HOURS. And it makes your mouth feel tacky and dry. The more we drank, the worse the experience became. People walking past and peering into our cups gave us funny looks, like they thought we had taken up some sort of ritualistic drug practice.
Now, all that said, we know people - good, intelligent people - who really love this stuff. They have invested money into hand-carved silver jugs in which to brew their yerba mate, and they drink it every day. They acknowledge our opinion of it and laugh it off as they make themselves some more. So this really is a you-either-love-it-or-you-hate-it thing.
If you love it, maybe you'll want to spend the £7.50 on the box. Then again, maybe you'll have your own favourite brand, and your own silver jug to brew it in (and maybe you know the real name for that jug!). We don't know. All we know is we won't be buying this one, ourselves.
Best time of year to drink this: Maybe when it's cold out - it's very smoky in flavourBest time of day to drink this: Those we know who love this stuff seem to have it in the afternoon or evening
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