Our Review: As you wait for this tea to brew, a strong cinnamon aroma floats up and hits you hard. But that's okay; we like cinnamon. The taste is quite nice, too - not nearly as strong as we expected it. Gentle, even.
We worried about the licorice, but it isn't overpowering. Overall, it's a good balance of flavours with no overriding taste. The mild sweetness of the licorice and cinnamon balance out the natural bitterness of the green tea; but equally, the green tea cuts and tempers the sweetness. There's also a mild kick from the cinnamon, right at the back of the throat, but it's nothing too intense.
We quite like this one, and recommend it for adding a hint of spice to your day. It could be a good substitute for sweets, too, when you get those afternoon cravings.
Best time of year to drink this: Autumn / winter (the spices make it quite warm and Christmasy)
Best time of day to drink this: Mornings (the caffeine will perk you up for the day) and in those stretches before lunch and dinner, when you're trying to avoid the biscuits
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