Ingredients: Cocoa shells, cinnamon, licorice, ginger, black pepper, carob, anise, chili pepper, barley malt, cloves, cardomom, ginger oil, vanilla extract, vanilla beans
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: 100% Price Range: £2-3 Bags Per Box: 17 Review: This is simply divine - definitely one of our top teas. As soon as you brew it, you can smell the cocoa shells. Drinking it is even better. It's so dark-chocolatey, but without the calories or caffeine, and with that gorgeous wintry spice mixture thrown in. The combination is instantly warming and soothing, with a mild chili and ginger kick at the back of the throat. Although be warned: that kick gets hotter as the water cools down, so we recommend not letting your cup sit too long.There is just enough licorice to keep the blend from being too bitter, but not so much that the sweetness becomes overpowering and sickly. The inclusion of vanilla softens the drink, as well - one of the rare instances when we have really liked vanilla in a tea. And it can't be scientifically proven, but drinking this right at the end of Three Tulsi's second pregnancy seemed to bring on labour contractions - you can't go wrong with this tea!
Best time of year to drink this: Autumn / winter, when you need a bit of inner warming
Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon / evening, when you're settling down to relax
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