Review: This is an intensely artificial-smelling tea that you dislike the more you sniff it. It's a slightly creamy aroma that is nothing like the listed ingredients.
The flavour is very faintly fruity, with a strong artificial aftertaste. It's a bit sickly, like lingering artificial sweetener in your throat. All of this is mixed with a planty taste that reminds us of green tea...even though there's no green tea listed in the ingredients! It's also dehydrating in the mouth.
Three Tulsi's husband described this drink as tasting like wine gums. So maybe, if you really love wine gums, this is the tea for you. For the rest of us....
Best time of year to drink this: Um...winter? Only because of the rhubarb.
Best time of day to drink this: If you must, then maybe in the evening when it's cold.
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