Review: We really had high hopes for this being the next best afternoon cake substitute. As soon as we poured the water on the bag, the delicious aroma of stem ginger and ginger treacle wafted up at us. It was so strong that we could smell it at least two feet away. We eagerly waited for it to cool enough to drink it, expecting something like homemade sticky ginger cake.
So, imagine our disappointment when we took those first sips and realised that, at first, there was zero flavour. Then, a sharp bitterness grew at the back of the throat, and long out-stayed its welcome. The ginger is REALLY fiery - and it builds, and builds, and builds. You'd hope for a hint of sweetness to balance out that fire, maybe a touch of cinnamon - but no. It actually made us cough after a few sips.
In short, we HATE this. And when we passed it around to friends, they passionately hated it, too. And when you check the ingredients list, it's not even natural! So, why on earth does it carry such a high price tag? What is the point of those glossy posh-looking nylon pyramid bags? Everything about this blend is a big fat NO.
Best time of year to drink this: NEVER
Best time of day to drink this: NEVER
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Well, I disagree. I love this tea and I am just about to order more! Perfect balance of flavour. I like chia in general after spending a lot of time in India and discovering ginger chia was the icing on the cake for me. If you like chai you will love this!