Review: Sultanas and elderberries in a tisane. Sigh.
The aroma is highly unpleasant - thick and savoury, like curry. We can't figure out where this scent comes from. Perhaps the sunflowers? Or the sultanas? Or those awful footy elderberries?
And then, drinking it....
Three Tulsi thought it tasted like Heinz tomato soup, with added hibiscus. Yes, we couldn't have imagined such a thing before, either. The box says this blend is 'sensational iced'. We say, more like soup-sational.
Sultanas aside, the ingredients are the same old things you find in so many other tisanes. You may as well buy another, cheaper brand. In the words of Ginger Tea, 'I'm not offended. I just don't see the point.'
Best time of year to drink this: Summer
Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon...?
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