Ingredients: Peppermint, natural mint flavouring (7.5%), natural vanilla and other flavourings (5%)
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: 100% Price Range: £1.69 Bags Per Box: 20Review: As soon as you brew this one, you are hit with an aroma not unlike Murray Mints or a kind of minty butterscotch. The strong peppermint oil scent immediately wakes up your senses, opens your sinuses just as well as any menthol treatment, and refreshes you.
Drinking it is just as refreshing an experience. The main ingredient being peppermint, this is a great one to have after a meal, as a natural digestive aid, and to cleanse the palate.
That said, good peppermint can be quite strong, and that's where the 'butter' comes in. There is a creamy, ever-so-slightly sweet taste of vanilla buried in there, softening the mint without becoming too sugary, somehow creating a light butterscotch flavour. It's sort of like having a pudding, but without the heaviness. It is also quite a substantial tea, filling your mouth and stomach and stopping you from reaching for unhealthy snacks.
For anyone who is fond of peppermint tea with sugar, this is a much healthier option. It's also simply delicious. For all these reasons, we have marked it a must-have tea. Twinings briefly removed it from the market, but brought it back due to popular demand. Let's hope they don't get silly again, in future!
Best time of year to drink this: A great all-year-rounder
Best time of day to drink this: Mornings (to wake you up), after meals (to aid digestion) and late afternoon when you're tempted to start snacking
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They’ve done it again 😔
I know! I was just in Waitrose yesterday looking for it – that was the only place I could find it, previously. I was so dismayed that it was gone. You can’t even find it on the Twinings website to oder 🙁
on their twitter in reply to anyone who asked they say to check tesco, co op and waitrose for any last stock but i think it’s too late now. they are so mean!! There is no one else who does a tea anything like this!! you’d think they’d have learnt from last time, i think that mint selection pack is also gone too. There was new black tea that has mint in which has possibly replaced it – the idea of which sounds a bit minging.
Mint black tea is definitely not the same. I’m amazed it didn’t sell well. It’s one of their best. Perhaps they should have tried pushing it more in other shops than just Waitrose.
Yes very annoying – Twinings confirmed they have discontinued this flavour again! Apparently it doesn’t sell well?