Review: As expected just from reading the ingredients list, this smells horribly artificial - like kitchen cleaning wipes. The lemon and safflower petals are really strong, and not in a nice way. It's quite a disgusting aroma that does not inspire you to drink it.
But drink it we did - and it tasted just as artificial. Yes, yes, a lot of it is natural ingredients, but there is also 'flavouring' in there, and you can really taste it. Then, as it goes down your throat, it's just so bitter. And then, after swallowing, your senses are flooded with floral, to the point where you honestly feel like you've got a rose stuck up your nose. We are not exaggerating.
That said, stick some ice in it and it magically becomes quite a nice summer drink. It's quite tart and less floral. So you might like it as an iced tea - but you will never drink this one hot.
Best time of year to drink this: Summer, iced only
Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon
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