Ingredients: Ginger root (70%), liquorice root (15%), cinnamon (10%), cloves (5%)
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: Unknown Price Range: £1.69 Bags Per Box: 20Review: This is an easy one to overlook. The first time we tried it, we didn't think much of it - probably because of how much fire the back of the box promises. You don't get that fire and you don't taste the other spices. Instead, you get pure ginger with a sweet edge to it.
After you've adjusted to the fact that this isn't the tea you thought it would be...it's quite nice. Tulsi has this one as an evening soother. It's quite gentle on the stomach and not too strong (even the liquorice is, thankfully, mild). But if you're specifically looking for spice and fire, this isn't the one, no matter what Twinings say. NOTE: This used to be known as 'Settling Ginger', which we originally reviewed back in 2016.Best time of year to drink this: Any time, but particularly in the colder months
Best time of day to drink this: Any time, but it's especially nice at the end of a long day when you're not sure what you crave and you don't want strong flavours
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