Ingredients: Camomile, natural vanilla and honey flavourings with other natural flavourings
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: Unknown Price Range: £1.69 Bags Per Box: 20Review: Oh dear.
Camomile...and flavouring...and flavouring...with other flavouring. Yes, yes, it's all 'natural', but it sure doesn't taste it. It's more like fake vanilla and fake honey, like one of those fake cream flavours from Dorset Teas. Every sip we took inspired a 'Yuck!' or a 'Blech!' It smells disgusting, too. There is nothing about this infusion that makes us want to drink it. What it 'boils' down to (ha ha) is that camomile already has a natural sweet edge to it. Why dress it up with yet more sweetness? Moreover, people drink camomile either because they love the taste (in which case, why completely disguise the flavour?) or because they want to relax. It's commonly included in bedtime blends. Adding heaps of sugar-substitute just gives you a rush and keeps you up. This is like camomile tea for people who hate camomile and don't want any of the sleepy benefits of the flower either. Just, why??? That's what makes this an AVOID.Best time of year to drink this: Never
Best time of day to drink this: Never
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