Ingredients: Passionflower (35%), apple pieces (15%), chamomile (14%), cinnamon (10%), natural apple flavouring with other natural flavourings (10%), cardamom (6%), cloves (6%), natural vanilla flavouring with other natural flavours
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: Unknown Price Range: £2.69 Bags Per Box: 20Review: Hilariously, the first time we tried this, it just tasted like washing-up liquid. We tried it again, having rinsed out the cup much better, and it was a lovely blend. Such are the dangers of trying to taste-test too many types of tea in one evening!
The scent is mild apple and cinnamon. The flavour is mostly apple, with a hint of floral (chamomile and passionflower). It's mildly spicy but hard to taste the other ingredients. Happily, it doesn't taste of flavouring, either. Although it isn't our ultimate stand-out sleep blend - and it definitely didn't make us tired - it's a nice, soothing one to have in the evening and good for the low price tag.Best time of year to drink this: Any time
Best time of day to drink this: Evening / Night
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