Ingredients: Peppermint (100%)
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: Unknown Price Range: £2 Bags Per Box: 20Review: It's hard to go wrong with 100% peppermint...but Twinings manage to do it. Even though we had a brand new box of the stuff, it smelled unpleasantly stale. It tasted this way too - almost smoky. There are so many lovelier variations of this flavour. One much nicer option is just to buy some mint leaves and pour hot water over them. If you're on a budget, there are some perfectly tasty store brand options that are even cheaper than this one. We suggest trying one of them, instead.
Best time of year to drink this: Anytime, but we recommend other brands
Best time of day to drink this: Any time of day, but particularly after meals to aid digestion
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