Ingredients: Peppermint (70%), spearmint (30%)
Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free Organic Ingredients: Unknown Price Range: £4 Bags Per Box: 15 Review: This is a very pricy version of something you can find for less money and better quality, from other brands. It doesn't taste at all like what it is, nor does it smell like it. It's almost like it has some extra unlisted ingredient, but we can't place what it is. It's like hot water, with just a hint of flavour that's closer to nettle than mint. It's just bizarre. This isn't quite an 'avoid', but we wouldn't buy it again - especially not for that price.Best time of year to drink this: Anytime, but we recommend other brands
Best time of day to drink this: Any time of day, but particularly after meals to aid digestion
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