Review: The name promises fudge, and the aroma fits the bill. That isn't necessarily a good thing! It smells so sweet, and the more we sniffed it, the less we wanted to drink it. For all that, it doesn't really taste like fudge. It's not that strong, more like standard black tea but with a very artificial aftertaste. So much has gone int it, but it kinda just tastes of flavouring. We can imagine some people liking it as a dessert drink - like a sweet black tea - but it wasn't for us. We didn't hate it...but we didn't like it either, and although we managed to finish the cup, we won't be buying it.
Best time of year to drink this: Autumn and winter, maybe? Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon, after lunch in place of dessert...but not after dinner, when the caffeine may keep you up at night.Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don't miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!