Teastimonials - Totally Honest Tea Reviews - raspberries https://teastimonials.com Totally Honest Tea Reviews Sun, 19 Mar 2023 12:09:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/teastimonials.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-pexels-photo-1526049.jpeg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Teastimonials - Totally Honest Tea Reviews - raspberries https://teastimonials.com 32 32 196818912 Harrods Summer – The Strange Case of the Disappearing Flavour https://teastimonials.com/2023/03/19/harrods-summer/ https://teastimonials.com/2023/03/19/harrods-summer/#respond Sun, 19 Mar 2023 12:09:13 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2280 Harrods SummerBrand: Harrods

Flavour: Summer

Ingredients: Apple (45%), hibiscus (27%), rosehip (10%), beetroot, sweet blackberry leaves, strawberry pieces (2%), blackberries, raspberries, flavouring (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry), safflower petals

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £11 for 125g

Review: Looking at those ingredients…you know what to expect. It smells sweet and fruity, and a bit beetrooty. The first sip is like your totally average hibiscus tea, with a hint of beetroot…and then you swallow it and all the flavour just disappears. The overriding tasting note is water, no matter how long you brew it. It’s pointless, especially for that price tag.

Best time of year to drink this: Summer, they claim, but why bother?

Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon?

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https://teastimonials.com/2023/03/19/harrods-summer/feed/ 0 3767
A Tale of Two Teas Frog Prince – Cute name! https://teastimonials.com/2022/09/12/a-tale-of-two-teas-frog-prince/ https://teastimonials.com/2022/09/12/a-tale-of-two-teas-frog-prince/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:23:54 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2280 Brand: A Tale of Two Teas

Flavour: Frog Prince

Ingredients: Green tea, natural raspberry flavour, raspberry leaves, raspberries and rose petals

Caffeine Factor: Caffeinated

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £7.99 for 50g

Review: Another one from the fairytale collection. It has a very pleasant aroma, like being in the woods, with a fruity tartness. We could immediately imagine wild raspberry bushes. The flavour is like a mellowed green tea. It’s nice and fresh, and not bitter at all. However, for all that raspberry in the ingredients list, we couldn’t taste it. It’s not the fruitiest of teas, nor the most exciting. It’s just a nice green tea, for people who usually find green tea a bit too strong.

Best time of year to drink this: Anytime

Best time of day to drink this: Morning or afternoon

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2022/09/12/a-tale-of-two-teas-frog-prince/feed/ 0 3561
T2 Mulberry Ripple – Smells exactly like the name promises! https://teastimonials.com/2022/08/07/t2-mulberry-ripple/ https://teastimonials.com/2022/08/07/t2-mulberry-ripple/#respond Sun, 07 Aug 2022 18:36:11 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2280 T2-LogoBrand: T2

Flavour: Mulberry Ripple

Ingredients: Apple bits (apple, acidifier: E334), mulberries (8.5%), raspberries, natural and artificial flavouring, orange blossoms, rose petals, marigold petals, bamboo leaves, jasmine blossoms

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £7.50

Cups Per Box: 40 (approx.)

Review: This one smells soooooo good – sweet and fruity, like mulberry with raspberry ripple (exactly like the name promises). The flavour is initially overwhelmingly sweet, but then tart and, unless you brew it and brew it, quite watery. But it’s pleasant. We wondered if it would be nice cold, and the answer was no – keep it hot. Make it strong, too, because the taste is so subtle and it needs to be drawn out more. Then, it’s lovely. We’re just puzzled over what the bamboo leaves add to the flavour….

Best time of year to drink this: It’s intended for Christmas-time

Best time of day to drink this: Evening, after dinner

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2022/08/07/t2-mulberry-ripple/feed/ 0 3547
Sips by…Raspberry Rose Oolong – Trying too hard to be quirky https://teastimonials.com/2022/06/03/sips-by-raspberry-rose-oolong/ https://teastimonials.com/2022/06/03/sips-by-raspberry-rose-oolong/#respond Fri, 03 Jun 2022 21:10:17 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2337 Sibs byBrand: Sips by

Flavour: Raspberry Rose Oolong

Ingredients: Oolong tea, pink rosebuds, rose petals, raspberries, pink cornflower blossoms, natural flavouring

Caffeine Factor: Caffeinated

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: See website for subscription options

Bags Per Box: See website for subscription options

Review: This smells weird – dark like black tea, but then heavy on the raspberry tartness. It’s like a Black Forest gateau, despite there being no cherry in the ingredients list. The flavour is milder than the aroma, It’s sort of nice…but a bit medicinal, like cough syrup. Again, we got such a cherry vibe! It’s okay, but not amazing enough to induce us to order more from America (we got this in a sampler box). It’s pretty bland, and there’s an unpleasantly artificial aftertaste, despite describing the flavouring as ‘natural’. The packaging is so gorgeous that we got the impression it was trying overly hard to be quirky and not putting equal thought into the quality of the tea enclosed.

Best time of year to drink this: Whenever – it’s not awful, but we wouldn’t bother

Best time of day to drink this: Not at night

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2022/06/03/sips-by-raspberry-rose-oolong/feed/ 0 3429
T2 Raspberry Lickylegs – Not for us, but someone will like it https://teastimonials.com/2021/11/21/t2-raspberry-lickylegs-not-for-us-but-someone-will-like-it/ https://teastimonials.com/2021/11/21/t2-raspberry-lickylegs-not-for-us-but-someone-will-like-it/#respond Sun, 21 Nov 2021 12:00:10 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2280 T2-LogoBrand: T2

Flavour: Raspberry Lickylegs

Ingredients: Liquorice root, apple, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, raspberries, raspberry leaves, flavouring, rose petals, cranberries, safflower petals

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: 100%

Price Range: £7.50

Cups Per Box: 40 (approx.)

Review: We’ll preface this by saying we expected to hate it – but it didn’t turn out that way.

The smell is planty, but also overly sweet and artificial – disgusting, even – and you get a strange sense of ‘medicine’ from the inclusion of the eucalyptus. Thankfully, the actual flavour isn’t so bad. It’s quite sweet, but not as strong as we expected from a tea that lists liquorice as its main ingredient. As for the rest: we’re not sure why there are so many ingredients when you can hardly taste most of them. The main problem is that there’s a horrible aftertaste that really hangs around. This is no doubt due to the ‘flavouring’ (not even ‘natural’) listed in the ingredients. That aside…it’s alright. It’s a fairly generic fruity tea (surprisingly lacking hibiscus), with liquorice as a sweetener. It’s not for us, but we can imagine someone out there enjoying it.

We’d certainly pick it over Just Hibiscus or Foot Tea.

Best time of year to drink this: Summer

Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2021/11/21/t2-raspberry-lickylegs-not-for-us-but-someone-will-like-it/feed/ 0 3286
The London Tea Company Raspberry Inferno – Raspberry…and chilli pepper!? https://teastimonials.com/2021/07/04/the-london-tea-company-raspberry-inferno/ https://teastimonials.com/2021/07/04/the-london-tea-company-raspberry-inferno/#respond Sun, 04 Jul 2021 14:28:02 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2318 The London Tea Company Raspberry Inferno - Reviewed by If Teacups Could Talk...Brand: The London Tea Company

Flavour: Raspberry Inferno

Ingredients: Apple pieces (malus silvestris), hibiscus, sweet blackberry leaf, natural flavouring, elderberries, chilli, raspberry (1%)

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £2.20

Bags Per Box: 20

Review: How can you name your blend ‘raspberry inferno’ and only have 1% raspberry in the ingredients list??

This is an extremely confusing one. It smells like grassy hibiscus (not pleasant) and tastes like curry, with apple crumble on top. There is no other way to describe it. It’s physically sickening after the first few sips. And it’s unsurprising, because look at what this is: your typical generic fruit tea (apple, hibiscus, sweet blackberry leaf and elderberries – yuck!), jazzed up with raspberry (okay) and chilli (what!?). This isn’t a combination anyone in the world has ever before thought would work – and with good reason.

It’s savoury and sweet at the same time, in a gross way, with that thick, blood-like texture elderberry blends always have. It gets worse the more you drink it, and we’re baffled that it’s still on the market. For us, this is an obvious AVOID.

Best time of year to drink this: Never

Best time of day to drink this: Never

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2021/07/04/the-london-tea-company-raspberry-inferno/feed/ 0 2318
T2 Mulberry Mayhem – A Jumbled, Confusing Garden https://teastimonials.com/2021/06/06/t2-mulberry-mayhem-a-jumbled-confusing-garden/ https://teastimonials.com/2021/06/06/t2-mulberry-mayhem-a-jumbled-confusing-garden/#respond Sun, 06 Jun 2021 10:30:37 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2280 T2-LogoBrand: T2

Flavour: Mulberry Mayhem

Ingredients: Apple bits (apple, acidifier E334), mulberries (8.5%), raspberries (4.5%), natural and artificial flavouring, orange petals, rose petals (2.5%), marigold petals, bamboo leaves, jasmine blossoms

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: 100%

Price Range: £7.50

Cups Per Box: 40 (approx.)

Review: This is one of those blends comprised of the most extraordinarily long list of ingredients…that you can’t really taste, once brewed.

The aroma is freshly cut plants…but in a very jumbled, confusing garden. It’s a bit overwhelming. The flavour, on the other hand, is quite weak. It’s pleasant enough, but extremely subtle. Perhaps you have to brew it longer to get more taste (although we brewed it quite a long time…). Once it’s been left awhile to cool, it becomes a bit bitter, so it’s not one we’d put on ice.

We weren’t sure of the point of this one. It’s not bad, but there’s so little going on (despite how much has gone into it) that we can’t see ourselves splashing out to buy it. There are nicer, simpler teas on the market, including some great ones from T2.

Best time of year to drink this: We think they’re aiming for wintertime (mulberries, apples, oranges), although the rose, marigold, bamboo and jasmine confuses this a little.

Best time of day to drink this: Evening?

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2021/06/06/t2-mulberry-mayhem-a-jumbled-confusing-garden/feed/ 0 2280
Liberty London Superfruit Infusion – Oh No, Not Elderberries! https://teastimonials.com/2021/02/28/liberty-london-superfruit-infusion-oh-no-not-elderberries/ https://teastimonials.com/2021/02/28/liberty-london-superfruit-infusion-oh-no-not-elderberries/#respond Sun, 28 Feb 2021 11:18:17 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=2109 Liberty London Lemongrass and Ginger - Reviewed by If Teacups Could Talk...Brand: Liberty London

Flavour: Superfruit Infusion

Ingredients: Hibiscus, apple pieces, elderberries, raspberry pieces, strawberry pieces, blackberries, pomegranate flowers, blackberry leaves, natural flavours

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-Free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £9.95

Bags Per Box: 15

Our Review: Oh no…elderberries. Any time we see that on a list of ingredients, we already know it’s a no. In fact, generally speaking, we’ve reached a point where we’re wary of anything with a name like ‘superfruit infusion’ because we know exactly what will be in it without looking at the label. The market is inundated with each company’s take on this same blend.

We really did try to keep an open mind about this one, but it absolutely lived up to expectations. It is disgusting. It has that cheesy, footy, ‘off’ smell that elderberry infusions always have, wafting up unpleasantly the moment you pour the water. It looks like blood, the way all elderberry infusions do (not just in colour, but in thickness too). It doesn’t matter how healthy it is for you – everything about it screams, ‘I’m vile and not fit for human consumption!’

On top of that, for nearly £10 for just 15 bags (!) it tastes just like every other boring fruit tea on the market, which are all heavy on the hibiscus and apple – and flavouring. If this is your thing, you’re better off buying a cheaper version – preferably one without feet, er…elderberries. This one ‘just shouldn’t exist’, we decided – not with that price tag. As expected, this is an AVOID.

Best time of year to drink this: Never

Best time of day to drink this: Never

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2021/02/28/liberty-london-superfruit-infusion-oh-no-not-elderberries/feed/ 0 2109
Celestial Seasonings Wild Berry Zinger – Simply Delicious! https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/09/celestial-seasonings-wild-berry-zinger-simply-delicious/ https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/09/celestial-seasonings-wild-berry-zinger-simply-delicious/#respond Sun, 09 Aug 2020 08:20:45 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=1813 Celestial Seasonings Wild Berry Zinger - Reviewed by If Teacups Could Talk...Brand: Celestial Seasonings

Flavour: Wild Berry Zinger

Ingredients: Hibiscus, rosehips, roasted chicory, orange peel, blackberry leaves, natural flavour of black raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, red raspberries, cranberries and cherries, with other natural favours and citric acid

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £2-3

Bags Per Box: 20

Review: The aroma is lovely – very fruity, particularly raspberry.

The taste is surprising. We went into it expecting yet another hibiscus tea (as these fruity blends tend to be), but there’s more to this one. It’s very tart on the first sip, but as you drink on, you get a refreshing hit of real berries that doesn’t taste artificial at all. It gets better with each sip, and at the end of the cup, we wished we had more. It stands out among similar blends and we highly recommend it.

Best time of year to drink this:  Summer – maybe alongside a slice of cake!

Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/09/celestial-seasonings-wild-berry-zinger-simply-delicious/feed/ 0 1813
Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zinger – Yet Another Hibiscus Tea https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/02/celestial-seasonings-raspberry-zinger-yet-another-hibiscus-tea/ https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/02/celestial-seasonings-raspberry-zinger-yet-another-hibiscus-tea/#respond Sun, 02 Aug 2020 08:29:45 +0000 https://ifteacupscouldtalk.wordpress.com/?p=1812 Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zinger - Reviewed by If Teacups Could Talk...Brand: Celestial Seasonings

Flavour: Raspberry Zinger

Ingredients: Hibiscus, rosehips, roasted chicory, orange peel blackberry leaves, hawthorn, natural raspberry flavouring with other natural flavours, raspberries and raspberry leaves

Caffeine Factor: Caffeine-free

Organic Ingredients: Unknown

Price Range: £2-3

Bags Per Box: 20

Review: When hot, it smells like neat cordial. When it cools down, you get the raspberry. It’s like it’s not sure if it’s herbal tea or a tisane.

The flavour is generic and bland. It’s your classic fruit tea, where it promises raspberry and all you get is tart hibiscus. It’s not bad but why bother? This flavour has been done so many times. There’s no way to make it interesting, unless you take out the overpowering hibiscus and actually try for a new taste in there.

The box says it’s great hot or iced. We didn’t try it iced, but we did find if you let it cool, you get a bit more fruit. The flavour disappears quickly, though – and maybe this sounds strange, but we found it quite boring to get through a whole cup.

Best time of year to drink this:  Summer

Best time of day to drink this: Afternoon

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog so you don’t miss out on tea reviews, new flavour announcements, recommended tea accessories, and much more!

https://teastimonials.com/2020/08/02/celestial-seasonings-raspberry-zinger-yet-another-hibiscus-tea/feed/ 0 1812